Once that target shows up on your bathroom scale, it’s so easy to fall back to old habits and gain back all the weight you’ve lost so far. Indeed, it’s even more difficult to keep the weight off than to lose it in the first place.
This is why we always say that losing weight is not a one-off commitment — it entails a complete change in your lifestyle by building habits you can keep for the rest of your life.
Now, one of the most important aspects of this lifestyle change is your eating habits. Luckily, eating to maintain weight does not bind you to a lifetime of eating bland food that does not satisfy you. In fact, some of the best foods you can eat to maintain weight are also pretty tasty:
1. Leafy Greens
Vegetables like kale, spinach, and lettuce are loaded with fiber, and are, therefore, great in burning belly fat. If you’re accustomed to eating a lot, simply substitute leafy greens with high-carb foods like bread or rice. You can eat just as much in terms of volume, without accruing as many calories.
2. Other Low-Calorie, High-Fiber Vegetables
If you’re not a big fan of leaves, then don’t worry because these are not the only healthy vegetables you can munch on without gaining weight. Other vegetables like cabbage, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower contain not just fiber, but also substantial protein that can fill your tummy right up without racking up the weight-adding calories. Prioritizing protein over other macronutrients is actually one of the best natural ways you can keep your weight at desirable levels.

3. Certain Fruits like Grapefruit
Unless you’ve committed yourself to a ketogenic diet, the fiber content of most fruits should be beneficial to your goal of maintaining your weight. That being said, there are some high-calorie and sugar-packed fruits you should avoid when trying to lose weight. These include avocado and grapes. Instead, go for fruits like grapefruit, apple, and other options that are low in calories but high in fiber.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
There is no question about the benefits of apple cider vinegar in weight loss and management. However, we did promise you a list of delicious foods that you can eat/drink for the rest of your life. But what if we told you there is one way you can consume apple cider vinegar without hating your life?
Cold-pressed and flash-frozen apple cider vinegar can minimize the strong flavor we all associate with it. It can also be mixed with other flavors that are more palatable to our taste buds like cherries, pineapples, and strawberries. Fortunately, there are some shops that serve a multitude of different juices, including apple cider vinegar tonics that are cold-pressed for a healthy yet tasty treat.
5. Salmon
Salmon is one dish that feels incredibly sinful but is actually very healthy. In fact, it can help you feel full for hours on end despite having low amounts of calories. It has a lot of protein and healthy fats, not to mention substantial iodine content to help your metabolism operate smoothly.
6. Lean Meat
Eating healthy doesn’t mean staving off of meat for the rest of your life — especially not if you actually love eating it. Though you should still try to avoid unhealthy processed meat, lean meat shouldn’t be off the table. It bears reiterating that protein is a friend, not a foe to your weight management journey. Carnivore Style can help you out if you’re confused about what meat to eat for your weight management.
7. Anything in Moderation
Last but not the least, you can actually eat anything you want — just in moderation. Do not beat yourself up for that single slice of pizza you ate while out with friends or that bottle of beer you chugged down while celebrating your latest life win. Life is still meant to be lived to its fullest. Just as long as you know your limits, especially when it comes to junk food, you should be able to maintain your goal weight.

The most important thing about imposing a lifestyle shift on yourself is to find commitments you can actually keep. Set yourself up for success, not failure, by finding a diet plan that satisfies your bathroom scale — as well as your tastebuds.
All images feature Kristan Whewell photographed by Ira Giorgetti for MMSCENE Portraits online exclusive – discover the full shoot.