The chances of finding love, or a perfect match if you prefer, in a chance meeting are very very low, almost miniscule in fact. Perhaps this is why a huge proportion of those seeking such an outcome now exclusively do so via the help of the online world.
The percentage of Americans using dating apps, in whatever form they take, is huge…and growing. One in three have used a dating app and that figure rises to 48% of those under the age of 30.
Tinder, the most popular ‘hook-up’ app is used by almost 10 million Americans regularly with competitors such as Bumble also supporting a large growing market.
When it comes to locating a perfect partner online there are perhaps two popular recognized routes; one entails downloading a ‘dating’ app which offers you the choice of a selection of potential partners and involves you ‘swiping’ or selecting a possible match, another would put the emphasis on a matchmaking service to find a like-minded individual based on attributes and requirements you make.
Let’s face it, both of these options are a little impersonal but serve a purpose. Traditional ways of meeting a partner, perhaps during a visit to a local bar or even being set-up with a colleague or friend of a third-party, are notoriously hit or miss and in 2021 this type of dating is far less prevalent than a decade or two ago.
Dating Apps
When you think of dating apps you will of course consider the likes of Tinder, Grindr and Bumble, and to an extent these options are more for ‘hook-ups’ that could lead to something more substantial, should both parties be interested in such a scenario.
The perils in these sorts of services are manifold though less so if you are entirely open to the process that you are pursuing. There is less emotional investment in these types of apps and services but the sheer volume of opportunities and meetings offer a solution of sorts.
If you are looking for fun, no-strings attached, then clearly there is a lot to be said for these types of services and clearly that’s why they are usually favored by the younger clientele.
You could look at these ‘hook-up’ apps as something of a scattergun approach to finding your perfect match. In other words it may take a while of searching, and meetings, before you found the ideal partner, though the fun in doing so shouldn’t be overlooked also.

Matchmaking Services
Rightly or wrongly the perception of matchmaking services is one of a more high-brow service that offers a more realistic chance of finding a long-term partner. So if this is what you are looking for then arguably your path should be this one and now the likes of Tinder.
Matchmaking services look to pair you up with an individual who meets your requirements and these services also, in some instances, look to group together certain types of individuals from the outset.
For instance there are matchmaking services that are specifically for the over 60s, or Christians or other sections of the community who feel they are not so well represented in dating apps.
Some services seek to help work professionals with each other, such as ProfessionalMatch, and you can read about pros and cons of what they offer, as well as others by doing the relevant level of research that you should carry out before signing-up to any such service. These services do a great job of finding potential partners with similar backgrounds in the field of professionals this can be key, given the relative lack of free time to meet similar people due to the complications of work and business.

The Ups and Downs
One comment concern when it comes to using dating apps is that of safety and privacy and this should always be key in your mind. This is both in terms of when using the apps and of course when meeting any prospective partner.
There is always a sense of dealing with the unknown when looking to use these services to find a perfect partner and most sites offer strong protection against any possible scams and should of course be vetting the use of their sites and apps.
The overwhelming positive inherent in using any of the many sites is the near infinite level of possibilities they offer. Clearly you are far more likely to secure potentially rewarding encounters using a ‘hook-up’ or ‘matchmaking’ app than if you went out on your own and hoping for the best.
In many ways this is a reflection of the positive aspect of the online world as a whole, offering you the chance to make a big world into a small one. You should, however, always be sensible about how you go about making use of these. Hence the need to do your research.
Images from DESIGN SCENE STYLE: Power Couple by Julian Wohlgemut – See the full story here