
5 Ways To Boost Your Confidence Before You Go Out

We all need a bit of a confidence boost – MMSCENE contributing editor rounds up 5 easy tips to boost your confidence

Ori Paul Levi
Photography by Ori Paul Levi for MMSCENE

Confidence isn’t a lesson that can be learned from school or books. Nor is it even a skill that one can develop. In essence, confidence is a state of mind. It takes considerable mental conditioning for one to say that they’ve got enough confidence to conquer the day when they walk out the door. To be honest, this is easier said than done. Most people still feel as if they’re carrying a heavy burden on their shoulders, such that they appear to slouch throughout the day.

Confidence, however, is vital to carrying on with the challenges of the day. Positive thinking, an acceptance of your body and abilities, and self-esteem can all lift a person’s confidence. When you’re confident, you know that you own the day.

To help you along these lines, here are five basic ways to boost your confidence – even before you say hello to the world:

1. Wear Good Perfume

Have you ever walked out the door and then suddenly had that dreaded feeling that you forgot to wear perfume? Yes, it happens. When it does happen, do you not feel a little less confident about being able to tackle the tasks of the day? The reason for feeling this way is that you might feel self-conscious about smelling bad. Consequently, you don’t want to talk to anybody, even if it’s just your kid’s teacher or a salesperson at the grocery store.

Wearing perfume that lasts all day can help boost your confidence. It puts you in a position where you know that you will smell perfect whoever you meet that day,. Here are some other benefits of wearing perfume:

  • It boosts your confidence, especially when you’re wearing a scent that compliments your personality
  • It keeps you smelling fresh the whole day
  • It makes you more attractive
Photography by Ori Paul Levi for MMSCENE

2. Plan Ahead For The Day

You may have heard the all-too-familiar advice that planning goes a long way. This holds true whether you’ve got a big day coming up at work, school, or even if you’re just running errands. Planning for the day means that you’re well prepared, such that you’re confident that nothing’s going to go wrong.

For example, you’re just going to run errands. Try planning ahead. Should you do the groceries first? Or pay the utilities? In this way, you’ll have more control over your day, and you won’t get overwhelmed by the tasks that you’ve got to accomplish. Do you have a big presentation coming up at work? Don’t start preparing for it the night before. Proper planning starts by preparing from the moment the task is given to you. That way, on the night before, all you have to do is review and sleep well.

3. Think Positive Thoughts As Soon As You Wake Up

Positive thoughts go a long way in shaping the course of your day. In most cases, what your mind can think it can achieve, your body can accomplish. That’s because the brain plays a significant role in controlling how a person perceives themselves. Make it a habit in the morning to think that you can achieve and complete all the tasks assigned to you that day. When you have that mindset, you become more confident, and you also tend to work as hard as you can instead of slacking off.

Being optimistic is one of the best secrets to being confident. This can help you recondition the way you think about yourself and your life in general.

4. Take Time To Dress Well

Dressing well doesn’t mean that you have to head to the mall and buy expensive clothes. Rather than equating to a price tag, it has more to do with how you look in your clothes, and how well kept they are. Before you step out the door, take the time to accomplish the following:

  • Choose your clothes carefully and make sure that they’re well ironed and are not creased or crumpled
  • Polish your shoes
  • Keep the colors simple, so that they don’t clash
  • Customize a piece of jewelry or two, to match your outfit

If it’s not possible to do this in the morning, take the time to prepare your clothes the night before. That way it will take less time for you to get ready in the morning. Plus, it can also help ease out the morning rush. Dressing well also plays a significant role in enhancing your confidence. When you play the part, you feel the part, too. How can you envision yourself as a successful lawyer who can win the case in the courtroom when, in fact, you’ve lost the battle between your clothes and the iron?

Ori Paul Levi
Photography by Ori Paul Levi for MMSCENE

5. Affirm Yourself

Before heading out, talk to yourself. No, you’re not going crazy. In fact, intelligent and confident people are known to do this. Tell yourself that you have everything under control, and that you’re confident enough. If there’s anyone who can give you a big confidence boost, it’s yourself. Human beings tend to behave according to the image they’ve conceived and created for themselves. When you affirm yourself, you’re naturally uplifting your confidence.


No one is born with unlimited self-confidence, not even those people who you think have it all under control. Getting through the day with confidence is something that you do for yourself. You work hard at it, and shape your mind accordingly. When’s the best time to start building that confidence? Today! Practice these tips, and soon enough, you’ll see a whole new version of you, one that’s a more confident version of your previous self.

Images from MMSCENE PORTRAITS: Omer by Ori Paul Levi – See the full story here

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