Fashion brand REVENANT RV NT presented the Fall Winter 2022.23 Collection with a video and a lookbook as a part of recently finished Milano Fashion Week. For the Fashion Nightmare collection, the brand collaborated with tattoo artist Brando Chiesa who transformed brand’s signature chain into the animation of his famous comic girls and a skull instead of the padlock, providing a perfect synthesis of the creative study of the two designers. Brando also tries his hand at reinterpreting the Revenant rv nt logo, offering it in a gothic version, even here the nuances are those that most belong to him, with dominating pink tones.
“An intimidating phone call is the first scene of Revenant rv nt Fall-Winter 2022.2023, three boys are projected into a distant and ambiguous reality, it is the trailer of a real horror movie: the appointment in the woods soon turns into a nightmare .. goal to set up a fashion show in 24 hours! A bitter smile has just stood out on the faces of the insiders who, more consciously, understand the reason of the collection’s title and its digital presentation with clearly “ironic not iconic” features. Time is not enough, the public demanding, the press eager to judge the works presented, Revenant rv nt smiles about drama typical of the fashion system and does so with the choice of a photograph in shades of pink, the vision is the one of whom have shared the creative spirit with the brand in this season to create a perfect combination of Chain and Mangas.” – from Revenant rv nt