Designer Demna Gvasalia unveiled BALENCIAGA‘s Fall 2021 collection with Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrow video game. The collection, and game, explore near future, and the idea of repurposing and wearing same clothes for decades.
“In Afterworld each player goes on a hero’s journey set in the year 2031. A store exit lead s to a busy street and further on to a dark forest in which a secret rave is going on. Beyond that is a mountain, atop which waits a surprise, once the player completes some challenges. Throughout the game, other avatars wear the Balenciaga Fall 2021 collection.
Many products are remade to perform new functions, like a blanket that becomes a coat or a hooded cape. A transformer parka with large exterior pockets also acts as a functional duffel bag. A scooter lap apron is flipped to become a thermal wrap coat. A military coverall is re constructed to form an evening gown. A jacket in unassuming black is reversible in case of hazard, its other side made for high visibility.” – From BALENCIAGA
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