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The striking SAHIB FABER is our latest Model Talk subject featured in MMSCENE 016 (out now in PRINT and DIGITAL), sitting down for an interview with our Editor ZARKO DAVINIC to talk about the beginning of his modelling career, workout regiment and Superman.

Scroll down for exclusive images from our shoot with the prolific WONG SIM as well as the exclusive interview.

Hi Sahib.

Hi , everyone , thanks for giving me a chance to say something and much appreciate to all of u who will find a minute or two to read this interview.

How would you describe yourself?
I’m a simple a man with peace in my heart, some time very serious sometime full of nonsense, I do believe in sentence:  ” You live once and if you do everything right, then that once is enough

How were you discovered?
A while ago in Saint Petersburg, Russia, I accidentally went to a photo shoot with a friend of mine who was part of the cast and the moment when photographer, Sergei Orlovskiy, was going to test the lights he just asked me to help him with it and stand for a moment in from of the camera while my friend was getting ready with make up and styling. So guess what, after those few minutes of testing lighting with me where I had no idea what to do, the day after photographer called me and right away offered me a campaign shooting. So that is how everything started, later when I saw face was all over the country I was so shy to admit that the guy from billboards was actually me. However, soon after one of the top modelling agencies called me directly and offered me right away a great job opportunity and a contract. That is how my accidental photo session turned into a professional carrier, lasting since.

What are your essentials for recharging your batteries?
Obviously first of all it’s all about a good nights rest, positive vibes and motivation of doing your best no matter what.

What are your favorite sports?
Gymnastic, Ping-pong and Tennis but fitness of course as my forever favorite and it’s the most affordable, if we are talking about a daily routine.

What exercise do you do to get a sculpted body?
For me most important is just to focus on your goal, where diet becomes the most important and I just try to put intense mind pressure to workout on all parts of my body in one training session.  Sometimes when I’m lucky to have more time, I try and do cardio in the morning and lifting in the evening.

What’s the best exercise to get a six pack?
I’ll be honest with you, the best exercise is in fact a good diet.

So, what’s your tip for pushing yourself in a workout?
As i mentioned when you are trying to do your best there is no excuse to avoid a simple workout and I do believe if you are serious enough you should respect your own body and find your own way to do so. Find a reason and motivation why you should love your self even more, however sometime I do think of a Superman as a my inspirational super-power hero and that gives me lot’s of energy to complete whatever I’m into! Not just sport-wise even in hard times you always can ask yourself what Superman would do and believe me right away you will know the answer! [laughs]

So, you mentioned a diet is as important as a workout, then what is the ideal diet?
Of course it’s different for everybody, it is very individual, for me the best is just a good balance of protein, carbs, fat and fiber, less sugar and try to spend less time in front of the computer [laughs]. I love walking a lot as part of the cardio, don’t forget diet without cardio and a proper workout doesn’t have an effect if we are talking about sculpting your body.

So, what’s the best post-workout meal?
Depends on your goal, if you are a runner or you just simply love intense workout and you already are skinny and want to maintain then please right after you workout have some sweet fruits, you need to recover the energy you lost. But if loosing extra weight is your goal then it’s better to eat nothing right after the gym, just drink water with lemon, and simply wait till it’s your meal time. Your body will start burning fat only after the workout, during the next 24 hours, since during the exercise you are only loosing water stored in your body.

However, if you are looking to gain weight and get lean and cut which is mostly my goal, then you really have to watch your diet before and after workout. In that instance your first post workout meal should be one hour later at list with balance of nutritious food and a lot of water with lemon, I do use a protein shake or BCAAA shot and strong meal could be something like chicken breast, salmon a beef stake with sweet potatoes and salad on the side etc.

Do you believe in dietary supplement?
Yes , I do especially when you are on a strict diet, however again it is very individual , of course some supplements may be too strong for you or simply upset your stomach.

What’s your ritual for taking care of your body?
Nothing special i believe like each of you , I do use moisturizing cream each time after I wash my face or body, I guess I’m lucky with genes by having great skin and genetic of building my body how I want , also i do believe that we don’t need much besides following the basic of nature.

Do you have any beauty routine you stick to daily?
Yes, I do my own 5 minutes facial massage wile I use moisture cream that is why I prefer creams that contain a liquid base.

What are your plans for the future?

Continuing to work hard with positive mood, take care of my family, build a dream house maybe not just one and run my own business where I am not depending on booking options and I can simply plan the weekends on my own. [laughs]

Model Sahib Faber at Wilhelmina Models New York
Photographer Wong Sim @wongsim
Keep up with Sahib @sahibfaber_official

Originally published in MMSCENE Magazine July 2017 – ISSUE 016 OUT NOW IN PRINT AND DIGITAL

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