Pop superstar Shawn Mendes takes the cover story of Wonderland Magazine‘s Summer 2021 edition lensed by fashion photographer Max Montgomery. In charge of styling was Tiffany Briseno, with fashion direction from Gorge Villalpando. Grooming is work of beauty artist Anna Bernabé at The Wall Group.

It’s something that I haven’t really spoken about, but when I was [featured] in my first Calvin Klein shoot, I was shirtless on a billboard. Any shoot where you’re basically ‘sexy’ in any type of way can really mess with your psyche because you’re struggling every day to live up to that guy. But you know, the lighting was there, you have makeup and a hairstylist there. People are there to make you look amazing. And then they capture the photo for one second, and you look at it like, ‘Wow.’ But realistically, you can’t really fit the shoes of that person in that photo – even as that person. It’s interesting because I know that there’s a lot of struggle in comparison culture. Everyone is comparing [themselves]. It’s important for me to say that even as the person in the photo, I can’t be the person in the photo. So, striving to be that person is not fair to anybody. – Shawn Mendes

Wonderland Magazine
Photographer Max Montgomery
Fashion direction Gorge Villalpando
Entertainment Director + Producer Erica Cornwall
Groomer Anna Bernabé at The Wall Group
Styling Tiffany Briseno
Editorial Director Huw Gwyther
Videographer R.J. Goni
Digital Tech Aladdin Islim
Lighting Assistants Thomas Patton and Daniel Byun
Fashion Coordinators Anissa Silvas and Britt Frascht
Fashion Assistants Bree Banuelos and Nash Koshiro
Location thanks Jack Joseph Puig and Linda Mathis
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