Fashion is often celebrated like a religion, with designers as modern-day apostles proclaiming the trends. Similar to religion, there are followers who enthusiastically embrace these trends while others question them. However, fashion is far more than mere superficiality; it enables profound self-expression and identity. It has the capacity to embody and influence identities, creativity, and even cultures. In a world where individuality is increasingly valued, fashion remains a powerful means of communication.
Levin Lee teams up with fashion stylist Victoria Li and Make-Up Artist & Hairstylist Annette Bragas for the editorial Modern Faith, featuring model Tommy Ros represented by State Management.
See the whole story below:

Art Director, Photographer, Wardrobe Stylist & Retoucher Levin Lee – @levinlee_
Model Tommy Ros at State Management – @tommyyros @statemgmt
Wardrobe Stylist Victoria Li – @imvictoriali
Make-Up Artist & Hairstylist Annette Bragas – @annettebragasmua