Models Manuel Carbajal Llofrein, Marius Erler, Nicolas Antoniassi Perez and Edoardo Cois pose for MMSCENE Magazine‘s May 2024 digital cover story, lensed by Daniele Mango. Set in the Royal Hammam, managed by Giovanni Laurio, Michi Vitariello, a stylist and fashion editor curated the looks, supported assistants, Emma Sabatini and Chiara Calora.
The striking “Hammam Home Body” video was created under the artistic direction and editing of Maria Francesca Brancaccio. Casting directors Alessia Capobianco and Claudia Ideni selected models that brought the vision to life, while the beauty team was led by make-up artist Rafaele Schioppo and assisted by Chiara Giangrossi, alongside hair stylist Luca Milesi. Sara Marciante‘s role as the light and photographer assistant completed the team.
For this cover story, Manuel, Mariys, Nicolas and Edoardo are wearing selected pieces from Versace, Dsquared2, Inan Studio, John Richmond, Dolce & Gabbana, GCDS, Roberto Cavalli, and Diesel. Manuel and Marius are represented in Milan by Tank Model agency, while Nicolas is with Elite Models Milano.
Continue for more of the cover story.

photographer and image director Daniele Mango – @daniele.mango
stylist and fashion editor Michi Vitariello – @michivitariello
Manuel Carbajal Llofrein @manucllofrein and Marius Erler @fagittariusx from Tank Agency @tankagency_
Nicolas Antoniassi Perez @nickzperez_ from Elite Models Milano @elitemodelworld
Edoardo Cois – @edoardogabrielcois
video AD and editor Maria Francesca Brancaccio – @marisorude
casting director Alessia Capobianco @lelessiaa Claudia Ideni @asapclaudia
make up artist Rafaele Schioppo – @schioppox
hair stylist Luca Milesi – @lucaamilesii
light and photographer assistant Sara Marciante – @sara.marciante
fashion assisants Emma Sabatini and Chiara Calora @emmapalindroma @chiara_calora
make up artist assisant Chiara Giangrossi – @giangrossichiaramua
location production Giovanni Laurio – Royal Hammam – @royalhammam
Tanks to Circolo Arcow
one of your most beautiful cover stories MMSCENE ! Amazing work as always!