One bugbear many male models have to put up with, are skin breakouts, rashes, or unevenness prior to a shoot. If you work in editorial in particular, then you know that those extreme closeups require your complexion to be perfectly smooth and clear. If you have sensitive skin, then you may have already given up when it comes to products, many of which contain drying products that can irritate skin or cause redness and swelling. Mother Nature has come to the rescue in the form of natural ingredients that can solve a wide array of skin conditions. Are you affected by any of these common problems?
Read more of our skin care guide after the jump:

Hyperpigmentation or Melasma
This condition is more common in women but it also appears on male skin. It is characterized by dark spots that give skin an uneven, dull look that can be difficult to mask even with foundation. The American Academy of Dermatology recently recommended the use of soy extracts, which work by inhibiting the transfer of melanin to the upper layers of skin (melanin is what causes skin to darken). Other natural products for skin problems include Niacinamide (a type of Vitamin B3), Ellagic acid (a natural acid derived from strawberries) and Lignin Peroxidase (an enzyme obtained from a naturally growing fungus). Licorice extract can also help lighten skin but you will need to do a skin test first to ensure you are not allergic to this substance. Another effective treatment for melasma is a highly personalized creme by ClearifiRx , which is also working well for hyperpigmentation, sun spots and liver spots.
Lines and Wrinkles
One of the biggest issues for male models are unwanted lines on the face. While lines can give a smile character, they can also lend the face a more mature look that may not belong to the market you are fulfilling. One of the biggest causes of wrinkles is UV radiation from the sun. Use a good physical block every day to stop your skin from absorbing the sun, but also consider the use of licorice extract, found in a 2015 study to protect the skin against the harmful effects of UV rays. Another potent natural substances in Coenzyme Q10, which is present in all our body’s cells and which has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. This substance is obtained through the fermentation of yeast, making it an all-natural yet potent free radical scavenger.

Psoriasis and Skin Inflammation
Sometimes, skin issue can arise in other parts of the body, including the arms, elbows and knees, and hands. Psoriasis is a painful condition that can itch, burn, and sting, and it occurs when your skin cells grow at an extremely rapid rate, thus causing a build-up of lesions. Natural ingredients that have been found to help reduce redness, itching, and scaling include aloe vera, capsaicin, and dead sea salts.
Acne Breakouts
One of the most common ingredients in top acne treatments is salicylic acid, which is obtained from willow tree bark and which helps to remove the dead skin cells that clog pores and cause breakouts. Beauty buffs also swear by a natural mask made with raw honey, turmeric, and cinnamon. Leave this concoction on for around 60 minutes and wash off. These items have powerful antibacterial properties that can stop acne from proliferating.
If you have acne, sun spots, or lines, and your skin is on the sensitive side, natural skincare products may work better for you, since they contain none of the preservatives and chemicals that can cause your skin to feel dry and tight. If you have a serious concern, see your dermatologist so you can follow a bespoke treatment. Mention the possibility of incorporating natural, gentle skincare ingredients into your routine and by all means, experiment at home with your very own potent anti-acne mask!
All images from MMSCENE Magazine Online exclusive portrait sessions starring Luke Volker photographed by Kevin Roldan – discover the full session.