
Men’s Hair Care: The New Frontier for Male Modeling

With a regular, healthy grooming routine, you can walk into your next casting call with healthy hair.

Adrian Boksz
Photo ©Jay Mathews for MMSCENE

Whoever said that men don’t care about personal grooming didn’t account for the growing popularity of the male hair care industry. Men with a range of preferences are buying products from luxury brands such as Kiehl’s and Malin+Goetz. It is predicted that this rapidly expanding market will hit $166 billion in the United States by 2022.

This expansion of access to quality beauty products gives male models a unique opportunity; they can use their hair to seize power and dominate the industry.

If you’re ready to get in on this trend, check out these tips to keep your hair healthy for your next casting call.

Read more after the jump:

Adrian Boksz
Photo ©Jay Mathews for MMSCENE

Hair Restoration

When you walk into the casting room for a hair care brand, you want to feel confident about the way you look. Men across the country are considering new methods of hair care and styling, especially if they are experiencing hair loss.

From the most up-to-date barbershop trends and Hair Restoration specialists in New York City, there are a variety of ways to restore your hair to its natural glory:

• Hair implants – Transplant surgery is a completely legitimate and safe option as long as you ensure that your chosen medical professional is licensed, board-certified, and experienced with a procedure of this nature.

• Over-The-Counter Products – Products such as Rogaine show improvements in hair density and thickness. Rogaine comes in a foam or liquid. Apply it to your head regularly for 6 months and start to see results. Be sure to read the instructions on the label carefully to ensure your safety.

• Embrace your hair loss – Some guys choose to embrace their hair loss, and if that’s the choice you make, more power to you! Whether you work with your barber for a shorter, cleaner cut or rock the bald look, there will still be plenty of casting opportunities for you.

• Celebrities like Drake and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have rocked the ever-popular shaved head and beard or five o’clock shadow look. Whatever your styling choice, the key to exuding sex appeal in casting call is confidence.

Adrian Boksz
Photo ©Jay Mathews for MMSCENE

Natural Products

Whether you are an Instagram ambassador for an up-and-coming brand or you were hired for a national commercial, stylists will use a ton of products and appliances on your hair. Make sure you have a healthy base by using natural products. Avoid harsh chemicals that you can’t pronounce.

Look out for these nourishing ingredients next time you go shopping for mouse, pomade or gel:

Argan Oil – This natural oil contains vitamin E, essential fatty acids and antioxidants to preserve your hair’s elasticity and shine.

• Seaweed – Yep, everyone’s favorite sushi staple has also been proven to reduce oiliness in the scalp.

• Coconut Oil – One of the most versatile ingredients, you can use coconut oil to increase and preserve moisture in your hair.

A Shampoo and Conditioner Routine

There is an ongoing stereotype that men shampoo their hair every day. As a man who invests in his personal grooming, it is important that you maintain a healthy hair care routine.

Using shampoo every day will lead to a dry scalp and less than lustrous hair. Try to wash your hair every few days in order to preserve the natural oils that your scalp produces.

You may have also heard that men only use shampoo or two-in-one shampoo/conditioner products. Conditioning your hair is an important step in locking in nutrients, leaving your locks soft and shiny.

With a regular, healthy grooming routine, you can walk into your next casting call with healthy hair.

Images by Jay Mathews for MMSCENE


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