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MMSCENE PORTRAITS: Interviews With Faces to Watch at Premier Models – Part 3

Read MMSCENE Magazine’s interviews with Karim, Olly Martin and Tom Rowland + Exclusive Shoot

For the online version of our MODEL TALK section we sit down with Premier Model Management‘s new faces to talk about the beginning of their modeling careers, dream jobs, passions, and future plans. 

Continue below to read the interviews and discover the Part 3 of the exclusive shoot, photographed by Paul Rowland:


How were you discovered?
I got discovered in my area while I was going to the shop back In August 2015.

Did you have any interest in modeling before you were discovered?
I was looking to go into modelling in the future because as I was growing up family member said I should get into this field.

If you weren’t a model what would you be?
Business Man

What are you up to these days besides modelling?
Currently starting up my own clothing line.

Your dream modeling job?
Nike or Stone Island.

What have you learnt from the modelling industry?
I have learnt that you have to stand out from the rest.

Your personal passion or hidden talents?
Clothing line – @prioritiesfirstclothing.

How would you describe your style?
I would describe my style as Casual

Who are your favourite designers?

What are your beaaty essentials?
I don’t have a beauty regime.

Name three places that you want to travel to?
Top 3 Places I want to travel to are Bali, Dubai and Miami.

What’s on your current playlist?
Lil Durk – Rebellious.

What are your future goals, dreams and plans?
Having a successful clothing line and making sure me and my family are in a very good space.


How were you discovered?
I actually applied to Premier online after being scouted a couple times when I was younger and not really understanding anything about modelling then.

Did you have any interest in modeling before you were discovered?
I didn’t have a massive interest but I obviously looked at the industry as being quite glamorous. It wasn’t anything that I was thinking about before I was discovered.

If you weren’t a model what would you be?
I’d still be in college doing my A-levels and I’m unsure on my future.

What are you up to these days besides modelling?
I play a lot of sport, football in particular. I also spend a lot of time doing college work.

Your dream modeling job?
I don’t really have a particular one in mind.

What have you learnt from the modelling industry?
I’ve definitely become more confident with meeting new people and travelling around London alone. It’s 100% helped me.

Your personal passion or hidden talents?
I would say that football is a large passion of mine. Whether watching or playing I just forget about everything else. As for hidden talents I have none that I’m aware of.

How would you describe your style?
My style is quite basic and easy. Hoodie and jeans is perfect for me. I’d like to try and mix up my style more though.

Who are your favourite designers?
I don’t have any in mind because I don’t wear many designer clothing.

What are your beauty essentials?
Again, I don’t have any because I rarely use any kind of beauty product.

Name three places that you want to travel to.
Tokyo, Miami and Sydney.

What’s on your current playlist?
A lot of Dave. He’s definitely my favourite artist at the moment. I’ve also got a bit of Travis Scott, Avicii and a mixture of rappers and dance producers.

What are your future goals, dreams and plans?
A general future goal for me is to just be comfortable with what I’m doing. I’d hate to be doing something that I don’t like. As for plans, I have none at the moment. I’ve still got another 2 years of college left so I’ll see where I’m at towards the end of it.


How were you discovered?
Leeds festival 2018.

Did you have any interest in modeling before you were discovered?
Always had an interest, but never thought I’d be scouted!

If you weren’t a model what would you be?
I’d be involved in Sport at some level

What are you up to these days besides modelling?
I work for a premier league football club.

Your dream modeling job?
To work at any of the major fashion shows.

What have you learnt from the modelling industry?
Discipline, routine, confidence patience. It isn’t just about looks, personality is an important factor.

Your personal passion or hidden talents?  
I’m an honest person ( too honest sometimes! ) I always try to see the best in others. I enjoy history & learning about different countries & their cultures.

How would you describe your style?
My style is a mixture of smart casual a mixture of designer with high street.

Who are your favourite designers?
My favourite designer would be Versace – bold prints & plenty of colour.

What are your beauty essentials?
My beauty essentials I always Carry a lip balm & hand cream.

Name three places that you want to travel to.
I’ve always wanted to visit the Great Barrier Reef to explore the unique marine life. Germany on my to-do-list because of its historical influences, amazing cuisine, and architecture. Canada for it’s wide range of sporting activities including skiing golfing snowboarding canoeing – I love the outdoors!

What’s on your current playlist?
Playlist is hip hop & rap atm!

What are your future goals, dreams and plans?
Looking towards the future I’d love to travel more with my modelling meeting new people visiting new places & make the most of every opportunity I’m offered.

Creative Director, Photographer & Styling: Paul Rowland – @marrakech_brooklyn
Photographer & 1st Assistant: Matt Lloyd
Production: Simone Barten
Shot on location by kind permission Paul Rowland & Mohammed Fajar at their home in Marrakech
The models are wearing all clothes by
 Norya Ayron, Ayaan Atelier and Marrakshi Life 

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