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The up and coming SEAN GRACE is already a star in the making; this young Texan is also a musician and an aspiring photographer. He talks for MMSCENE bout his model beginning buts also his favourite movies and the experience he got so far in the industry.


Who is Sean Grace?
I am a 19 year old model, photographer, and musician from Dallas, Texas. I began modeling at the age of 16 when I was scouted at the local fitness club. Shortly after, I was signed in Los Angeles with Two Management (Mother Agency). They have done a superb job, not only with bookings but, with placement as well. I am now signed in 7 major cities across the world including: Mexico City (Bang! Management), Dallas (Kim Dawson Agency), New York City (IMG Models), Seoul (Dobe Entertainment), Austin (Brown Agency), and Tokyo (Bravo Model Management).  My passions for photography and music have always been present but, I began practicing them both last year. If only I had began sooner…

Read more after the jump:


If you weren’t a model what would you be?
If I was not modeling I would most likely be attending the University of Texas (Go Longhorns!). However, not many people have the opportunities that I do and I would be a fool not to take advantage of them. I am blessed to be able to work in an industry where creative collaboration is encouraged and art is the main goal. I couldn’t be any happier.

Your personal passion or hidden talents?
Personally, I believe my shower singing skills are fantastic. My family and friends would probably disagree.


What’s no fun?
Loneliness is most definitely “no fun.” Whenever I am in the company of my family and friends I feel safe and content. On the other hand, whenever I am alone for an extended period of time I feel detached and vulnerable. Those who I surround myself with are my saving grace. I wouldn’t be who I am today without the people I love.

Favorite movie?
Pulp Fiction or Magnolia


Your Dream modeling Job?
I would love to be the face of a campaign that has a purpose and could possibly make the world a better place. Fashion can be used for so much more than just appearances. We should all strive to make the world a better place no matter what path of life we choose.

What have you learnt from the modelling industry?
One of the most valuable things I have learned in this industry is that the only person who can guarantee you happiness, is yourself. You can not rely on others to bring you success and wisdom. You must earn it.  The only way to do so is through a positive and confident mindset.


Name three places that you want to travel to.
I would love to travel to England, Australia, and Nepal to meet a Buddhist Monk (hopefully some wisdom will rub off on me).

Any guilty pleasures?Something that no one knows about you?
My biggest guilty pleasure would probably be sour patch kids and Dr. Pepper. They are both extremely unhealthy so I can’t have them very often. But when I do, I finish the whole bottle/bag in about five minutes.


Name the famous person you’d most like to meet?
For some odd reason I think Jim Carrey and I would be best friends. I pretty much know every word in his films so if I became nervous I could just start quoting Ace Ventura or Man On The Moon.

What’s the weirdest comment or question you’ve received via social media?
“If Ronald McDonald and Cindy Crawford had a baby, it would look a hell of alot like you.”

A quote that sums you up:

“I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for someone I’m not.” -Kurt Cobain



Model Sean Grace is represented at IMG Models NYC & Kim Dawson
Photographer Danielle Sabol
Stylist Tor Matthey at Independepent Artists
Stylist Assistant Nicole Johson at Independent Artists
Grooming Al Tidwell at Kim Dawson



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