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The Greater Part of a Year Series by Justin Violini

Justin Violini

The Greater Part of a Year Series
Photographer: Justin Violini
Cover Models: Filip Gustavvsson, Kelly Scott Bollmann
Models: Alexy B, Allan Kent, Charles Benoit, Frederic Johansson, Martin Rogal, Scott Buker
Photographer Justin Violini shares with us a look into his The Greater Part of a Year Series, publication documenting his prolific year 2011 with beautifully shot portraits showing a unique dynamic between the camera and the models. You can view the complete journal on ISSUU while some of the select images are after the jump:

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

Justin Violini

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