That first meeting with a woman you want to impress can sometimes seem as daunting as a job interview. What will she think when you appear at the rendezvous location? (Make no mistake, you will be under strict scrutiny.) If you’ve fallen for someone after connecting on a dating site you need to think about first impressions. Deciding what to wear is crucial so here are five crucial tips to take on-board regarding first date fashion.
01 Never dress down
Obviously, your initial get-together will be an exciting occasion. But don’t let this enthusiasm spill into your fashion choices. There may be a temptation to treat your date as if you’re heading off on summer vacation, taking the opportunity to wear T-shirts emblazoned with slogans, along with a pair of sneakers. Perhaps you have a favorite band sweatshirt you bought at their last gig.
The golden rule is this: always dress to impress. Keep in mind no woman will think it amusing if you show up as if you’ve come through some time tunnel from your days as a student. Not only will this make it seem as if you haven’t made an effort; it will look as if you don’t really care that much about her.
02 You should be the focus
Avoid dressing too ostentatiously. So forget that cumbersome wristwatch or glittery cufflinks and concentrate on wearing whatever outfit you will feel relaxed in. Neutral shades are better than something too gaudy but you can always inject a dash of color. Whether that’s patterned socks or complementing jeans with a bright designer shirt, the important aspect is for your personality to shine through. Speaking of neutral shades – pale pink it’s taking the spotlight this season, it is literally perfect for the warm summer days.
03 Assess yourself first
Sometimes we only realize we’ve made the wrong fashion choice after catching ourselves in a shop window reflection en route to the date. You’ll feel self-conscious and once you’ve met up your conversation will be stilted because you’ll be dwelling on what you look like. Always spend a moment before your mirror prior to exiting home. That way you still have plenty of time to make wardrobe adjustments.
04 Comfortable footwear
When it comes to your shoes, wear something practical and comfortable. If the date progresses well you might end up at some trendy nightspot dancing the night away. So you don’t want to suffer the ignominy of being refused entry by the door staff for wearing flip-flops. Avoid trainers unless your first date is going to be an evening at the bowling alley. Another no-no is wearing brand new shoes that have yet to be broken in. Your partner will be mortified if you spend the night limping around awkwardly while your stiff leather brogues nip your toes. If you are looking for more tips, check out MMSCENE magazine’s top 10 chunky sneakers to own this season.
05 Always be well groomed
While your fashion choices should remain the priority, you should also pay close attention to aspects of your overall style. In this day and age, it’s very common for males to adopt the ‘5 o’clock shadow’ look, or even go for a full beard. While most women appreciate a hirsute man, you must always take the time to ensure facial hair is well looked after. Prior to your romantic liaison, a trip to your local barber would be recommended. Not only can an expert ensure your grooming is in tiptop condition, indulging in a Turkish shave will really put you in a relaxed frame of mind for your date.
When it comes to applying aftershave or your favourite men’s fragrance, never overdo it. The last thing you want to do is turn up wearing some eye-watering scent. Perfume is such an important part of her own appearance you will only end up overpowering her delicate feminine fragrance.
All images from MMSCENE STYLE STORIES online exclusive menswear fashion editorial by photographer Alvaro Silveira by Guillaume Malheiro – discover the full session.
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